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Instagram: @Emilydrewlove

NEW! Relationship Rescue Practice:

The 15 minute practice that can save your relationship. 

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The resources below are my personal favorites and based on my opinion and what has helped me on my path. However, I always encourage you to trust your intuition when you feel called towards a spiritual resource. In your search, remember that true, divine knowledge will always create a sense of ease and peace or an "AHA!" moment. If it triggers you, or doesn't sit right somewhere in you, don't buy in. Happy journeying!



I've read countless books on spirituality and growth. Rarely did they ever make a difference in my journey. However, these ones did!


This book truly began my journey of Surrender. This is the story of Michael Singer and how he came to be the author of The Untethered Soul, as well as a multi-millionaire through the act of surrender. 


This book is all about healing with LOVE, which I love! Matt Kahn is an amazing teacher who transmits high frequency information and healing techniques. I also recommend his videos (see below). 


This book has become like a Bible to me. As the book states, it is like a "spiritual companion for life." It holds within it deep truths about humanity that are meant to be studied over a lifetime. Simply reading the keys, however, will begin to expanded your conciousness. 


This book helps you navigate and understand the depths of emotional and inner child healing. It contains practices for self-study and real-life examples of how you can trace your current "problems" back to their origins. 


This book is so eye opening! As you read about the patterns, and see how certain ones seem to describe you perfectly, you start to understand that they are not "who you are" but a pattern you have adopted which you can then begin to shift. 


This book is amazing! It looks at the correlation between modern psychology and the chakras. Its great for getting to know why certain chakra centers become deficient or excessive and how to heal them.       


These are videos from some of my favorite teachers. I recommend using them as a jumping off point. Allow yourself to go down a good 'ol YouTube rabbithole of spiritual wisdom from these amazing beings. 

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